This Week at LCE! Week of October 7
Monday, October 7
Clubs: x
PTC Meeting, 6pm
E Day
Tuesday, October 8
Clubs: 4th Gr. PE, Choir, Computer
Fire Drill, 2:40pm
A Day
Wednesday, October 9
Clubs: Earth
Wear Pink for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
B Day
Thursday, October 10
Clubs: 5th PE, Recorder, Science, Art
C Day
Friday, October 11
Clubs: Dance
D Day
*If you would like a Buzz Book, but did not opt-in because of discomfort with particular information being made available to other LCE families, you have another option! Please feel free to complete the attached survey, which allows you to share some, but not ALL, directory information: BUZZ BOOK SURVEY
**Sign-ups for Student-Led Conferences are now LIVE! Please see Mr. Johnson's email from Friday!